We build all our websites with a unique process. We design your site based on your business and needs starting from a blank canvas using Adobe Photoshop and then revising that with you until you love your design. Then we code it into a functional website. This is the main difference in quality between our process and your template driven developers. With a template you start with something and change a few colors to hopefully make work for your company. With Web Squad, we design it custom for your business and then turn it into a functionable website that you can add to as you grow. There is a big difference in this approach and we invite you to talk to one of our media specialists about your business website.
Custom Website Designs are what we do and we do well. All the designs above are custom Web Squad designs laid out by our designers. Our designers can create normalcy out of chaos; they can clearly communicate ideas through the organizing and manipulating of words, pictures, graphics, ideas,schematics and any other type of schema representation. We will create a memorable design for you and develop your ideas into tangible and workable layouts, layouts that are aesthetically pleasing as well as easy to to navigate. Our designs are intuitively laid out and can easily be followed.