SEO is Dead.. Alive is Digital Marketing
SEO is Dead.. Alive is Digital Marketing – What do I mean SEO is dead? Well, the concept of trying to game Google has gone the way of the dodo. These days marketing in the safest and most laborious manner is the only way to create real value and get ranked in Google.
What do I mean by Laborious?? The word denotes pain and long hours and yes in some circumstances that is what it means. I actually use the term in a more broad sense.
To labor over something reminds me of giving birth and we only give birth to things we love. So these marketing strategies must be a labor of love and the product or service must be something you’re passionate about. You must immerse yourself in the product or service and actually become so familiar with product that its second nature in promoting it.
Also you must be passionate about the PoS(product or service). Its very difficult to sell a product either thrush advertising or face to face if you don’t believe in the PoS.
I know you’re saying but what about xyz, and yes you may be right there are some lousy products out there that sell well and have marketng teams behind them that are brilliant.
These aren’t the PoS’s I’m talking about. I’m talking about the services you are promoting in an organic way,in a local mom and pop way in an authentic way. This is what organic digital marketing is all about!
The Web Squad does organic small to medium size business digital marketing this is the best kind marketing on the planet. If we don’t believe in your product or service we wont do the marketing for you.
We will be as passionate about your PoS as you are. That is our guarantee. We are the only Digital Marketing company in Las Vegas that you can come in and sit down with and map a strategic Marketing plan and do it with full understanding of what you’re getting and what you’re not.