

The Web Squad Makes things so easy!

We take the headache out of the internet. We know your pain when it comes to Internet marketing and Digital advertising. There is no way to vet good technologies,tools

February 3, 2018
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Google to Rank Tweets

In the latter part of 2009 both Google and Microsoft struck deals with Twitter almost simultaneously. This gave both search engines the ability to have real-time results for search queries. Microsoft hit the ground running with the deal and immediately released their version of real-time search also announcing that users with more followers will have their tweets ranked higher and those who essentially retweet will have those tweets ranked lower. Google, on the other hand, took its time to release its version of real-time search.

January 14, 2010
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How to ‘Cache’ Google’s Eye

A lot of people in business go by the old saying “First impressions are everything”, however, with Google and the other search engines this is completely opposite.

January 11, 2010