SEO For Beginners – Part 1

August 17, 2016 by wsadmin

SEO for beginners

SEO For Beginners – Part 1


How Google gets Rank Data

This an article for SEO Beginners. The first thing you need to know is how Google works. Google has a bot that sifts through the HTML creating your pages and finds links coming in and going out. It does this by crawling your site and looking for links, links that go to other sites and links from sites that go to you. The crawler will go over your page, look at the code, and store that information. That stored Page is basically referred to or called the index. Your initial goal is to get indexed by Google. So to start you have to get indexed. You might not rank right off the bat but it is the first step in getting ranked in the Google search engine response pages. Rank is all about the position that you are when someone searches for a key term. Google is all about finding the most important and the most relevant content for the key term that was entered by the searcher. Google is going to rank from best to worst, their algorithms are optimized to find the most relevant current and best content for the key phrase that was searched for.

Ranking Factors

There are a lot of factors that go into ranking. One is the topics that are covered .Two is how the page links and how the actual page is programmed or coded. Is it mobile-friendly, is it loading fast, is it loading slow these are all factors that go into Google’s algorithm and how your site will rank. So what is this telling us? Content is King, the more relevant and intriguing and captivating your content the more people are going to want to find you, and Google’s algorithm is optimized to find this type of content. So how do you write good content? Well you’re going to have to research the content that you want to produce. Let’s say that you sell bikes. What is relevant in your Niche? Research bike types, bike racing, bike sponsors. You’re going to have to research the key terms that people are searching for and build your content around that. SEO For Beginners is a large subject careful of who you listen to and what content you trust.

Where to get Keywords Then Content

A great place to go to find what keywords people are searching for is Google AdWords Keyword Planner. Set up an account and go to the tools section and Keyword Planner. You’re going to have to set up an account which is pretty tedious but follow through and keep going until it gives you the options in the header that includes the tools tab. Plug-in your site and a couple of keywords that are relevant to your site and AdWords will give you some suggestions on what key words that you can use to build content route. For example let’s say one of the keyword suggestions for your bike store is off road mountain biking. Type that into Google and look through the first three sites and find out what kind of content that they are using in their sites. This will give you a great idea about what kind of content is relevant to the key terms being search for your niche. I always promote finding out what the best people do for their sites or the most experienced people do, and use their techniques, because if their ranking 1, 2 & 3 then they are obviously doing something right.


So this article is meant to give you a first look at what SEO is what ranking is and where to start on page metrics keyword research and content. Even though this is SEO for beginners there are some heavy concepts here. If your head is spinning let The Web Squad help you with your SEO and SEM.

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SEO For Beginners – Part 1 was last modified: August 17th, 2016 by wsadmin

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